Kacie Yakimowicz 的个人资料

Travel Portfolio - Hong Kong

Travel Portfolio
While studying abroad in Hong Kong, I took a class that allowed me to spend a lot of time connecting with my surroundings, and growing as an artist.  Travel Portfolio class gave me the opportunity to create artwork solely driven by new experiences and exploration.
Map of Hong Kong
The very first assignment for the class was to create a visual map of Hong Kong.  Considering I had only been in the city for a few days so far, I didn't really have much to draw from. My map contains my then perception of what Hong Kong was.  I included places I knew I wanted to visit and incorporated some of the cultural icons and landmarks I had come to know within the first few days.
One of the most important things to do for this class was take time to explore and collect memories, experiences, and references to create from.  As a naturally adventurous person I tried to see as much as I possibly could while in Hong Kong, Macau, and Thailand.  Something a lot of people don't realize is that there is much more to Hong Kong than just a city full of skyscrapers and massive crowds.  I appreciate these things but am not prone to spend a lot of time in the city, as it often can be overwhelming.  I instead spent much of my time here hiking and exploring the other 60% of Hong Kong that is filled with beautiful mountains, forests, waterfalls, and tropical beaches.
One of the most important assignments throughout the course was the sketchbook.  For me it was an important way to document my experiences and thoughts, as well as explore and develop ideas visually.  Below are some of my sketchbook pages.
For my final project, I made a collection of small drawings/paintings based on my experiences while abroad.  I emphasized moments and memories and included handwritten text that documented the things that stand out most in my mind, such as quotes and random thoughts from each experience.  For my final presentation of the work, I choose to arrange all the drawings randomly on a table.  I wanted them to feel accessable, so people wouldn't be afraid to just pick one up and look closer.  In a way, they are a more finished extension of my sketchbook.  The final work was a way for me to artistically express my memory of the trip.  I found that I grew closer to my experiences throughout the process. 
Travel Portfolio - Hong Kong

Travel Portfolio - Hong Kong

Travel Portfolio class was an opportunity for me to create imagery based off of my new experiences abroad. My final piece for the class is a a co 阅读更多内容

