Dimlaj is an ancient Arabic word presented in its surface meaning: "Mastering the art of polishing and smoothing pieces of jewelry, while it's deep meaning is: "Perfection"

Comes from their name, they look towards achieving an integrated, harmonious solution in daily life usages. Dimlaj work is dedicated to achieve this goal by adding new original art concepts represented through their slogan "a touch of art.

About the project :

a promotional advertising campaign for the company  that will be in Jordan .

The Campaign and the concept 

I thought in the choice of words and messeges suitable for Jordanian society and readily accept them gladly , The best choice was the words of the famous singer Samira Tawfiq in her song (Poured coffee and poured tea, Water who visited us and , O 100 Welcome  who came 
  And who honored us) ( صبوا القهوة وصبوا الشاي واسقوا اللي زارونا يا 100 هلا باللي جاي واللي شرفونا ) They are words indicate the generosity and hospitality .

The Style of posters 

It's a calligraphy style , I Drew some of Hospitality tools manufactured by Dimlaj , and which is suitable with the song words , I drew the words to form the pot using Diwani jaly arabic calligraphy type , under that  I wrote it by Naskh to be readable , So that give the impression to the viewer in a beautiful bowl calligraphy used by the company in the decoration of glass and porcelain , and he just has to read the Company Address or visit the website .


Thank you for watching



Graduation Project
