"Aqar Show" is an annual real estate exhibition held in Saudi Arabia that showcases the latest developments in the local real estate market. The exhibition is organized by the Jeddah-based "Al-Harithy Company for Exhibitions" and attracts a large number of visitors, including real estate developers, investors, and buyers.
The event provides an opportunity for exhibitors to showcase their latest projects, exchange ideas, and network with industry professionals and potential clients. The exhibition features various types of real estate properties, including residential, commercial, and industrial properties, as well as different services related to the real estate industry.
In addition to the exhibition, "Aqar Show" also hosts a series of seminars and workshops on real estate-related topics, providing attendees with valuable insights and information about the industry. The event is considered one of the most important real estate exhibitions in Saudi Arabia and attracts participants from all over the world.
Overall, "Aqar Show" plays an important role in promoting the real estate sector in Saudi Arabia and helping to drive growth and development in the industry.
Aqar show ..


Aqar show ..
