Profil von James Alas

Thesis Project: HX-TRAIL

Humber College Thesis Project 2023 - HX-TRAIL: Ski Resort Emergency Response Vehicle
Injuries on ski slopes are one of the leading areas of injury for winter sports in Canada; most commonly during skiing/snowboarding. It is the duty of ski patrol teams to locate these accidents, provide on-site treatment and transport them safely to urgent care. These hero’s frequently face external factors on the job while performing these duties that can further agonize the wounded rider. Current methods of locating, securing and transporting of patients are prone to these factors that can affect the safety, efficiency and comfortability of the ride; with weighing responsibility on the skills of the ski patrol. HX-TRAIL is a Ski Resort Emergency Response Vehicle that aids in the Tracking, Treatment and Transportation of injured skiers/snowboarders.
For more in-depth info on the project website, click here.
2023 Award winning design for Bombardier Recreational Products (BRP) Adventure by Design Award.
HX-TRAIL: Promotional Video
Thesis Project: HX-TRAIL

Thesis Project: HX-TRAIL
