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Time Difference | Handmade Popup Book

Time Difference - Illustration and Popup Book Project
Time: 01/2022
Drawing Tool: ipad pro 2020+procreate, photoshop

This is a memento of a long-distance relationship, inspired by the year-long life between me and my lover with a time difference of 5 hours. We liked to hold a video call, then busy with our own work or study, that makes us feel like we are still live in the same space.

This is a hard but special experience. So I made it into a popup book and send it to my husband as a gift when we ended up our long-distance living.

>>>The video below recording how I draw and made this project.

>>>This is the storyboard sketches.
>>>These are the finished drawing separated by layers.

>>>I also merge the layered images on one picture to make an illustration format.

                                                                  Thank you for watching!  ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
Time Difference | Handmade Popup Book


Time Difference | Handmade Popup Book
