Perfil de Stacy Nilla

Cookie Label Design & Logo

"Sweet Cookie Delight" is a  project where I designed new labels for a cookie company along with a corresponding logo. The objective was to create an enticing and visually appealing packaging design that captures the essence of the cookies and represents the brand's values. I explored various design concepts and incorporated elements that reflect the cookie company's commitment to quality and indulgence."

The logo I designed is a typography-based representation of the cookie company. It evokes a sense of sweetness, delight, and charm. The clean and modern design, along with harmonious colors and charming visual elements, effectively captures the brand's identity. It creates a lasting impression, reflecting the company's commitment to providing delightful experiences with their cookies.

This is a apron mockup showcasing the logo design and cookies graphics. I crafted every detail and tried different color combinations to ensure that the design truly captures the essence of the project.

The label design for the cookie packaging showcases a visually captivating and enticing composition. The overall aesthetic is thoughtfully crafted to reflect the brand's identity and capture the attention of consumers.

The label incorporates a harmonious blend of typography, imagery, and colors that work together to create an impactful visual experience. The typography is carefully chosen to be legible, yet expressive, using a font that conveys the brand's personality and the deliciousness of the cookies.

Cookie Label Design & Logo


Cookie Label Design & Logo
