Profilo di Kwunyuk CHAN

hothings Logo design & Packaging

The original idea of [ hothings ] is to convey love through objects, making love tangible.
"Ho" is the surname of the founder and also a homophone of "good." We strive to convey the care and blessings bestowed by the gift-givers through design and product selection.
Love is tangible. Whether it's a wedding, an event, or even in our daily lives, we hope that this thoughtful gift can be well-used and remembered.

hothings 的創立初衷是以物傳遞愛意,讓愛可觸摸,
ho 是創始人的姓氏,也是「好」的諧音,他她們嘗試通過設計和選品來傳遞送禮者所寄予的用心和祝福。
Love is tanqible,讓愛可觸摸,無論是婚禮還是活動,甚至在我們的日常生活,希望有這份好禮能夠被使用,能被記住。

[ hothings ] Visual Identity
Client: hothings
Country: Shenzhen·China 深圳·中国
Designer: Kwunyuk CHAN
Release date: 01/2023

hothings Logo design & Packaging


Progetto creato per

hothings Logo design & Packaging

The original idea of [ hothings ] is to convey love through objects, making love tangible. "Ho" is the surname of the founder and also a homophon Leggi di più
