Lorenzo Columbo 的個人檔案

Belarusian Dream Theatre Florence 2014 video

On March 25 , 2014, The Global Theatre Project (The GTP) has created an evening of Florence in direct contact with Los Angeles, California where, again , GTP , has organized an evening mate at the Boston Court Performing Arts Center ; under the patronage of the Municipality of Florence , Department of Culture , announced the evening of theater BELARUSIAN DREAM THEATER .
The purpose of the evening was to encourage greater international attention and concern about the violation of human rights in Belarus. Belarus is considered " the last dictatorship in Europe " where people "disappear " on a daily basis . Despite the political and government leaders of the world have largely ignored the issues of human rights and censorship , artists have agreed to bring to the fore this situation.
The date of March 25, coincides with the Freedom Day in Belarus .

The video is the introduction to the evening , with the intent to reason with the spectators that usually have indifference in comparison to these issues.

The GTP: theglobaltheatreproject.org

Special thanks for this opportunity at Bari Hochwald
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Belarusian Dream Theatre Florence 2014 video

Belarusian Dream Theatre Florence 2014 video

The video is the introduction to the evening, with the intent to reason with the spectators in the newspaper that usually have indifference in co 閱讀更多
