Eoin Coveney's profile

Judge Dredd: Jinxed 2.

Character Design
A few thumbnails for page 3 panels plus easing into drawing some Fatties.
Pencil 1. I always loved the "Big Feet" Dredd so was conscious of that here.
Pencil 2. Having tried a few poses in the above thumbnails which had Dredd sitting, I felt this pose allowed him to get to his feet more quickly and looked more dynamic, too.
Ink detail.: Panel 3 in its entirety.
Colour detail 1. I have to commend John Paul Bove on his great colouring work here.
Colour detail 2: Again, thanks to John Paul Bove. A close look at the cursed idol. I deliberatley gave it flaws and scratches, as it was described as old in the script.
Complete page 3. Colours: John Paul Bove
Judge Dredd: Jinxed 2.


Judge Dredd: Jinxed 2.

Page 3 of the 6- pager for the 2000AD summer special 2014.
