Allison Kim's profile

Sanctuary - Branded Packaging

Sanctuary - Branding
In a crumpled world some time in the future, a man sits staring out the window. His pen is poised above a blank sheet of paper. He has a small frown creating lines across his taunt and structured face. Every couple of minutes, a siren arises from the sounds of the street, and he blinks. His eyes are unfocused, locked on the dumpster which, every once in awhile, is ravaged by a hungry passer-by.
There is no food there, the onlooker knows. He has looked himself.
His window is closed tightly, locking out the dreadful noise from outside, and yet somehow a tense atmosphere leaks through the cracks in his windows, his walls. He can feel it breaking down his concentration, his thought. His mind will focus, and then somewhere between his mind and his pen it is lost, the void replaced by worry, fear, doubt, desire.
He desired an escape.
With each passing day he feels words trying to break out of him, but he cannot let them. It is as if they get to the tips of his fingers and realize the world they will be born into. They run back into the depths of his mind, retreating to the only safe place they know.
Suddenly, he feels overwhelmed by hopelessness. He cannot write. He cannot breath. He moves to open the window, but stops when he realizes he will not gain any relief from that air.
He places his head in his hands and breaths deeply.
Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.
His mind slows.
An escape. A sanctuary. Somewhere where he could go to write. Without underlying fear of what is out there, what is coming.
He reaches up, absently pulling out a worn dictionary from the bare shelf. He has sold all of his other books for more paper, more books. His imagination is insatiable—nothing can quiet it. Not even a complete lack of money.
When he is overwhelmed, he chooses a random word in the dictionary and writes on it. To focus.
Developed out of the need to write, to record, to share.
Humans need that. He needs that. He knows that without this ability to make their thoughts permanent and tangible humans are stifled and oppressed. He knows that the ability to communicatewith the written word holds power more than anything. It opens a way for revolutions to be made, for thoughts to be heard, for people to be inspired and moved.
Language is the most powerful tool to humans. He knows that. But he is missing it. It is lost in this tumult of the world around him.
His desire flares brighter than before, and resolve replaces doubt.

It is two hours later. He is walking down the street, a small bag with his new books in a sack hanging from his fingers. He walks with his head lowered; it is important not to be too confrontationalwith those on the streets. He knows the path home by heart. His eyes scan the street below his feet, the sides of the sidewalk.
A small red sign catches his eye. He has never seen it before. In bold, white lettering against a faded red background, the words “For Sale.”
He stops mid-stride. He stares.
The sign looks as if it had been there for quite some time, but he walks this route every day and has not seen it. The sign is faded, yes, but it hasn’t taken on the gray sheen of the street yet.
The world seems to slow, his mind starts to focus. An idea forms.
He walks up the short flight of stairs to the door. It is slightly ajar, and he pushes it open. It is cut off from the street. It is small. It is quite. It is secluded.
He steps inside.
A wall of words bombard his mind, his thoughts. Suddenly he is so overrun with words forming and connecting in a string of endless sentences he takes a step back from shock.
He quickly pulls out his the book he just bought. In the margins, he scribbles fervently so as not to loose his words. They have broken free. Finally free from the suffocation of his outside world.
He writes for hours. When the words finally slowed to a stop, he stands and looks around at the bare walls.It is his sanctuary.
The place he has looked for for so many years.
He will share this sanctuary. He will help others find power through their words. He will finally free the words hiding deep within people, free them from the oppressive, constricting air that permeates this place.

Sanctuary was founded out of the need for an escape. It is dedicated towards writers and, as a natural extension, readers. For decades humans have found solace in the written word. They have found escape from their own lives, however exciting or mundane they may be. Like nothing else, the written word has captured the imagination, passion, and conviction of so many people around the world whether it is spoken, read, or heard. It has given a voice to many people who many not have had one otherwise. It is possibly the most powerful tool beyond knowledge that a person can possess, and that power needs to be held on to. Language is our basic form of communicationwith those around us, and if nothing else we need to hold onto that privilege. We need to encourage it, we need to cultivate it, and we need to keep it alive and bright within our minds, culture, and livelihoods.Sanctuary is a store in which anyone can go to get supplies tailored specifically towards the fervent writer. It is a store in which one will find journals, diaries, and planners all developed and designed to help the writer keep their thoughts, ideas, and aspirations organized and easy to find.
It will provide an atmosphere of sophistication, intellect, and creativity. Writers are welcome to sit down in the store and write for as long as they wish, and converse with each other about what they are writing and get any feedback they may need. And because we know inspiration comes at strange times we are open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. For our customers convenience, there is a store below us that serves coffee twenty four hours a day as well.
We are dedicated to serving writers and creating the best possible environment for them to carry out their aspirations, whether it be a paper for class, a novel, a speech, a song, or even just a letter to a friend.We believe that in language one finds the power to break free of any confines they may be held down by. We believe that atmosphere is the most important aspect of one’s writing space: one must be comfortable, relaxed, and inspired. We want the customer to feel as if they could come at any time or day and be welcomed—regardless if they buy anything.
At Sanctuary, we know how much the words you write mean to you.
Sanctuary - Branded Packaging

Sanctuary - Branded Packaging

Branding a stationary store for writers, based upon a fictional store that I created
