Kenzie Panessa さんのプロファイル

Concept Art - Ye Olde Union Square Mines

This project was to redesign a New York City subway station into an amusement park theme. I chose to redesign the Union Square Subway Station as an old western gemstone mine named "Ye Olde Union Square". 

Each train line is named after a specific precious gemstone, and activities at this amusement park include mining for gems, mine cart rides, mazes, and exploring the tunnels.
Concept art of outside of station.
Concept art of train platform for Q line.
Isometric view of entrances to different subway lines.
Concept art of details and assets. Old time clock as metrocard machine, geode benches, oil lanterns, and buckets of gems decor. 
Detailed sketch of platform and subway cars.
Cross sections and scale of platform.
Mood board.
Concept Art - Ye Olde Union Square Mines
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Concept Art - Ye Olde Union Square Mines

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