VEET India wanted to plan something special for college girls during the summer of 2013. 
We just asked the girls to Step-Out!
Observing college girls trends could never be more fun. These girls would Step-Out to Stand-Out, Hang-Out,
and Freak-Out
This three staged campaign was flooded with college girls on our website all summer to show how they would want to start their college days with some style.
The winners of this campaign were gratified with, Aldo Vouchers, movie and dinner coupons, and a grand trip to Goa
It had to be that 'simple', as to click a selfie of whatever they would trend, anywhere!
Supplements like the Look Book and Smart Shoppers were these girls bible all summer.
Known Bloggers contributed in our Look Book with various looks for the summer.
Also, Smart shopper was a video where Veet Girls( competition winners) showed us how to fashion shop in budget.


Step-out, a smooth start to college, Veet India, Reckitt Benckiser India
