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NEP 2020's 5+3+3+4 Education Model

📚 Simplifying the System: NEP 2020's 5+3+3+4 Education Model 🎒

The New Education Policy 2020 introduces a simplified structure for education. Under this model, students will spend 5 years in the foundational stage, followed by 3 years in the preparatory stage, 3 years in the middle stage, and finally, 4 years in the secondary stage. This streamlined approach aims to provide a comprehensive and well-rounded learning experience for students at every stage. Let's embrace this new system and empower our students for a brighter future!

 #NEP2020 #EducationReform

NEP 2020's 5+3+3+4 Education Model


NEP 2020's 5+3+3+4 Education Model


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