Jethro J. 的個人檔案Jheanne Mari Las 的個人檔案

UNDO Studios Shoot

Paul is a lovable heckler. 

He is always true to his words, and just like his personality, he and I opted for a natural makeup look that enhances not just his personality but as well his features.

Jheanne, by nature, is a free-spirited girl.

So for her makeup look, I opted to enhance the highlights of her face, to give that flush of color, and brought more life to the eyes, to achieve that glow-from-within personality makeup look.

I, Jethro, am a non-conforming individual. Hence, my makeup look is giving androgynous look.

For the clothes, I only wore a coat for my top to give that statement look.

Justine is a charismatic yet bold person.

Given her personality, I chose to enhance her eyebrows and eyes to give that fierce look and enhance her natural facial structure.

Meca is an animated and imaginative person. 

She is always a go-with-the-flow happy type of person. With that being said, I gave them a natural makeup look with a brushed-up hairstyle to give a hint of her happy energy.
UNDO Studios Shoot