Singapore isn't exactly known for a thriving craft beer culture. It is known for highly successful, if modular, public housing, referred to as HDBs. Residents have a surprising level of autonomy, with many building home gyms, public micro-farms and community libraries, as well as many other types of social spaces. So, why not a micro-brewery? 

My Role:
This personal project was inspired by my neighbour, one Jack Yam, an avid urban farmer and general botanical polymath. His name is Yam, he grows yams, he certainly enjoys beer, so why not imagine a Yam yam stout?

Challenges Faced:
Singapore is an interesting place. A casual glance will reveal a modular and brutalist social housing wasteland. But, look closer and you will see life insisting itself into the concrete. Roof-top and stairway gardens, tropical fishtanks to rival many professional aquariums, and more than anything, the jungle, always slowly pushing back, into and around the cold blocks of HDBs. 

This concept needed to blend the angular housing, construction and traffic signage and general busyness of the place with the glacierial green monster of jungle. A monster who never sleeps but patiently waits to return and swallow what artifice man has made.
Jack Yam Beer


Jack Yam Beer
