Profil appartenant à Callie Lopez

Digital and Print PSA Advertisement Project

In this project, I created multiple digital and print ads around one public service announcement. Raising awareness of animal abuse and preventing the abuse of animals became the message for the posters and ads. Unfortunately, abuse is similar to sports in that both are outlets to release heavy feelings such as anger, stress, or aggression. This comparison became the inspiration for the design concept. After researching different sports and commonly abused animals from credible sources, I began creating thumbnail sketches. These thumbnails led to three main animals and designs for the series. Dogs, cats, and birds are three of the most commonly neglected and abused pets. The shape of their heads and bodies determined the sports ball the animal would be morphed into. The illustrations are hand drawn in Adobe Illustrator, and all components are laid out in InDesign. The bold colors grab the eye and contrast nicely with the white or black copy. The font ImaginaryFriend BB complements because its treatment is very similar to the hand-drawn illustrations.
Reference Photos
Source: Google
Previous Versions
Final Ads
Digital and Print PSA Advertisement Project
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Digital and Print PSA Advertisement Project

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