Live Traffic is a service from Transport for NSW that is the trusted source for all real-time information on traffic incidents, major alerts (like flooding or bushfires), ongoing and scheduled roadworks, breakdowns, and events. The existing app was getting close to ten years old, and its age was starting to show.

Besides an app update, Transport for NSW wanted to add two crucial new features; the ability to plan trips and a geo-fenced alert system to notify users about floods and bushfires occurring within a pre-determined radius.

This project was created while I was Creative Director at KPMG Digital Experiences.
UX and prototyping

The team immersed themselves in User Experience to define the end-to-end user experience and functionality.

The app was stress-tested through rapid prototyping with users ranging from commercial drivers to families and commuters. During the prototyping process, the team better understood the technical requirements and limitations of using real-time incident data. They also faced the challenge of finding the most effective way to visualise this data on maps.
Accessible to everyone

It was critical to the design team that the app not cut corners regarding accessibility. When it came to colours, we ensured that all aspects of the interface utilised a high level of contrast and clarity of function. Considering accessibility from the very first stages meant that the page designs were crafted with the ability to enlarge font sizes and iconography significantly. 

The following are some accessibility principles followed in creating the Live Traffic App.
Beauty in the Design System

After defining the app's functionality, the next step was to design a user interface that would enable easy navigation for the user.

One of the design principles we adhered to was native functionality on both Android and iOS platforms. The app needed to feel natural and familiar to the user. 

We developed a Design system based on four fundamental design principles: Consistency, Accessibility, Modularity, and Scalability.

The app was delivered on time and has maintained a 4.6-star rating on Apple's App Store, along with positive feedback from users. After a year, the app was ranked #16 in travel on both Apple's App Store and Google's Play Store, 

Live Traffic App

Live Traffic App
