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Mediazona x Boris Nemtsov Award

Conscience and courage. This year’s Boris Nemtsov Award honours five Russian political prisoners who have spoken out against war
Nikita Tushkanov, 29, from the town of Mikun, Komi Republic
“I have not changed my stance. I condemn the war. I see it as a crime, like any aggression”

Sentence: 5 years and 5 months in a penal colony.
Charges: Tushkanov called the explosion on the Crimea Bridge a “birthday gift for Putler” and wrote about the annexation of occupied territories of Ukraine. For these posts, he was accused of justifying terrorism and “discrediting” the Russian army.
Maxim Lypkan, 18, from Moscow
“The victims of the Ukrainian people in Kharkiv, Bucha, and other cities have deeply moved me, prompting my decision to protest.”

Sentence: Investigation is ongoing.
Charges: Lypkan faced charges shortly after his 18th birthday. The case was triggered by posts on his Telegram channel, an interview with Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty where he discussed his anti-war stance, and an attempt to organize a demonstration on the anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine. These actions were deemed as spreading “fake news” about the military.
Mikhail Simonov, 63, had been living in Belarus in recent years
“A phrase is on repeat in my head, likely from a song. ‘My dear, if only there was no war.’ Mum used to say so.”

Sentence: 7 years in a penal colony.
Charges: Simonov was tried for spreading “fake news” about the military due to two posts on VKontakte, a popular Russian social media website. The first post read, “Killing children and women, we sing songs on Channel One. We, Russia, have become godless. Forgive us, Lord!” The second stated, “Russian pilots are bombing children.”
Vladimir Rumyantsev, 62, from Vologda, northwest Russia
“Between ‘disgusting’ and ‘frightening,’ I chose the latter.”

Sentence: 3 years in a penal colony.
Charges: Rumyantsev was accused of spreading “fake news” about the military by using an amateur radio station in his apartment to discuss the war and writing anti-war posts.
Maria Ponomarenko, 44, from Barnaul, Altai region
“What on earth is going on in our country? If it’s war, call it by its name, war.”

Sentence: 6 years in a penal colony.
Charges: Ponomarenko’s post about a Russian airstrike on the Mariupol Drama Theatre, which she shared on her Telegram channel, became the grounds for a criminal case on spreading “fakes news about the military.” The airstrike reportedly led to the death of hundreds of innocent civilians who had taken shelter in the theatre’s basement.
The illustrations feature photographs by SOTA, Andrey Bok / TASS, Alexandra Astakhova / Mediazona, RFL / RL
Mediazona x Boris Nemtsov Award

Mediazona x Boris Nemtsov Award
