we speak your language

A smartphone app would be developed to be a great marketing tool for Ace Hardware but also be a useful go to resource for home owners, both first timers and long time owners alike. 

The challenge was to create an app that would make sense to the brand message we were presenting and to create an app people would want to own and use.  I asked myself the question what is the most useful resource about going to Ace and asking experts there questions about repairs, remodeling, and other household projects? The main thing was they know the answers to your questions and on top of that know what that doohicky or Thingamagig is that you have never seen before.  

Putting this knowledge and resource into an app made sense and would be an app I would want at my disposal when looking to tackle any project around the house.  You could take pictures of either projects or objects to find out what it is or where to start, ask questions to get tips and trouble shooting ideas to fix the simplest leaks or complex plumbing issues.  It would also let you plan out projects you wanted to complete and provide links or tips and also give you a material list to make your trip to Ace that much easier and efficient. 
ACE Hardware

ACE Hardware
