Profil appartenant à Thanh Nguyen

Olli Maika - Concept Development & Lifestyle Video Plan


Olli Maika is a local smart speaker brand that successfully develops a built-in, voice-controlled virtual assistant responding to Vietnamese languages. 

In 2022, the company needed a concept development plan to strengthen its unique offer, and a lifestyle video to boost brand awareness among its target audience comprising of modern families and tech enthusiasts.


Life is getting busier and it is very easy to forget things people should have done for their loved ones like reminding them to take medicines or reading a bedtime story. Therefore, we decided to turn Olli Maika into a helpful family member via "The Butler" concept with the communication message of "Hiểu ý người Việt, quán xuyến trăm việc" (Know Vietnamese, take care of things for Vietnamese). 
​​​​​​As men are often the decision maker when it comes to buying tech products, our lifestyle video depicted a young dad being able to show his care to his daughter thanks to the assistance of Olli Maika
Project: Olli Maika - Concept Development & Lifestyle Video Plan
Agency: BigHead Communication
Creative Director: Thanh Nguyen
Junior Art Director: Kim Anh Tran
Copywriter: Ly Bui
Planner: Phuong Anh Nguyen
Account: Quang Doan, Ngoc Tram
Olli Maika - Concept Development & Lifestyle Video Plan
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Olli Maika - Concept Development & Lifestyle Video Plan

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