This poster for a fictional movie was a project for my Photoshop class. The point was to learn about poster layout and lettering design for the title. It was inspired by my Dark Reflection composite piece. The movie is set in a post-apocalyptic world, where humans have mutated in two directions. Some of them become monsters, and some develop superpowers. One girl, Lucent, is the only human who has both a superpower and a monster inside her that she desperately keeps secret. She must go on a journey to rescue her family from the most powerful monster of all, and with the help of her childhood friend, she must learn to accept both her light and her darkness. Because this movie isn't real (yet) it obviously does not have a Facebook page or a YouTube page: these are all mockups, so don't go looking for them.

All photos were taken from Unsplash.
Lucent Movie Poster
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Lucent Movie Poster

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