Thank You
package design
A set of envelopes thanking volunteers, Judges and Supporters who made the 2011 York/sheridan Gradshow
a success. We — Carol Lee, Brittany Banman, Kaitlyn Faller and myself — created three levels of packages: high, medium and low. Respectfully corresponding to the levels of sponsorship.
As part of our sustainability initiative in the program, we dedicated our time and research into developing
an inexpensive and reusable solution could have multiple lives after reaching its recipient.

High Level

A USB stick and a Thank You letter on behalf of the graduates.
Custom buttons using &CO identity.
A package containing business cards of nearly every student in the 2011 graduating class.
Coasters made out of cork sheets that are laser cut and branded.
6" x 4" calendar cards counting down to the 2012 York/Sheridan Gradshow.
A set of vinyl stickers using the shapes in the &CO identity.
A thumb tack for alternative placement when faced with limited desk space.
Doubles as a picture frame.
Alternative ways of using the envelope.
Medium Level
Thank you letter.
6" x 4" calendar cards counting down to the 2012 York/Sheridan Gradshow.
Custom buttons using &CO identity.
A set of vinyl stickers using the shapes in the &CO identity.
Doubles as a picture frame.
Low Level

Thank you letter.
6" x 4" calendar cards counting down to the 2012 York/Sheridan Gradshow.
Custom buttons using &CO identity.
A set of vinyl stickers using the shapes in the &CO identity.
Thank You

Thank You

thank you packages for sponsors that contributed to the York/Sheridan Joint Program Graduation Show of 2011.
