Photo by Diego Lopes
Hello, I’m Felipe Dal Molin, a game designer based in Porto Alegre, Brazil, with a career spanning over 11 years and several titles delivered in all major platforms.

During my time at Aquiris Game Studio (now Epic Games Brasil) from 2014 to 2022, I developed from Jr. Game Designer to Principal Game Designer, having the opportunity to lead the design of acclaimed titles such as Horizon Chase and Wonderbox: The Adventure Maker, and to contribute with exceptional partners on projects like Looney Tunes: World of Mayhem and Horizon Chase 2.

Prior to my experience at Aquiris, I co-founded Luderia, an independent studio that operated from 2012 to 2014 and successfully delivered a few mobile games in that period, as well as having taken part in a number of game jams in the following years.

I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Design (2008-2012) and a Master’s degree in Literature - Creative Writing (2019-2021). I also had a brief passage through a Computer Science  major (2006-2008) before dropping out to focus on design. I’m glad I got to see a bit of everything, which has allowed me to effectively communicate with programmers, artists and writers alike, and has imprinted a multidisciplinary approach to my design work.

In addition to my career in commercial game design, I have actively engaged with the community through numerous talks, workshops, interviews and articles in the past 10 years, as well as offering game design consultancy to companies all over Brazil. I am continuously seeking to share my professional experience and personal perspectives with others in the field.

I’m a tireless advocate for the power of design thinking, design writing and design drawing in game design practice, in order to reach beyond the cycle of brainstorming, implementing and iterating indefinitely. Most of my latest work has been designing processes to guarantee that everyone in my team could develop solutions to problems in the sharpest way possible. Through my talks and workshops, I have been sharing tools and techniques on how to do that as well.

I’m a permanent learner with a passion for books and theory to add to my daily practice, as well as fiction in all its forms. I thrive in open and collaborative environments, I try to be an empathetic leader who helps everyone grow together, and I seek to constantly improve my craft through thoughtful analysis and feedback.

Career Summary

Career Summary


Creative Fields