Digital Edge Awards's profile

English, Kings College London

Saahia M.
English, Kings College London
Victorians Abroad - Thinking about 19th Century Tourism from a 'Modern' Perspective
Digital Edge Awards runner-up.

"Victorians Abroad" explores 19th-century tourism from a modern perspective. Through illustration, Saahia examines the motives behind travel, the projection of historical and mythical ideas onto present-day spaces, and the allure of unique journeys. The project reflects on the popularity of the "Grand Tour" among the wealthy in the past and prompts questions about our own travel experiences and the narratives we create while exploring different cultures.
Saahia's project impressed the judges with its thought-provoking concept. Through her illustration, she questioned the motivation behind traveling and the projection of history onto present-day spaces. Saahia's skilful use of Adobe Photoshop and Indesign brought her vision to life, capturing the essence of the subject matter and provoking thoughtful contemplation. The judges commended her ability to convey the complexities of the topic with a well structured presentation and overall artistic finesse.
English, Kings College London

English, Kings College London
