Perfil de Meenal Upreti

Fighting All Odds | Neelam

Profile Stories: 
Unsung Heroes of Bihar, India
Commissioned by UNICEF Bihar
2. Neelam Kumari | Patna
Ex- AWW worker, Current Lady Supervisor
Neelam, a remarkable woman who has faced the challenges of living with polio since childhood, comes from a disadvantaged background. However, she refuses to let her circumstances define her. With unwavering determination, she has persevered and made a positive impact on her community. Neelam's compassionate nature has driven her to tackle pressing issues like sanitation, ensuring that every household now has access to a toilet. She played an active role during the Covid-19 pandemic and supervised many health workers to generate awareness in Patna. Despite her accomplishments, Neelam's aspirations extend beyond her current achievements, as she courageously prepares for the CDS examination, striving to fulfill her big dreams. Her inspiring journey is a testament to the power of resilience and serves as a gentle reminder that limitations can be overcome with perseverance and hope.
Naked wires hang open inside Neelam's house | A passport sized photo of a young Neelam.
Neelam misses teaching children at her Anganwadi centre. 
During a door-to-door visit regarding sanitation and hygiene, Neelam reacts. 
Today, Neelam is a lady supervisor under the Department of Women and Child development. She supervises many Anganwadi and ASHA workers like herself. 
Neelam does not want to stop here. She is preparing for the upcoming CDPO (Child Development Project Officer) examination. 
Neelam walks towards a boat to visit people on the other side of the river. 
All photographs by Meenal Upreti
Fighting All Odds | Neelam


Fighting All Odds | Neelam
