Profil użytkownika „Vitus Wong”

UI/UX: "Everyone In" Event App

Brella explored using beacons at events, with the hopes of making the experience of their corporate event clients greener and more convenient. 

This enterprise app was their first iteration. It doubled as an agenda and a digital event bag. Schedule and room changes were pushed to the app in a timely manner. Beacons were programed for session rooms and expo booths, broadcasting session/booth materials to anyone with the app. Attendees could scan for beacons near them, search the beacon’s contents, and download the items they want to their mobile devices. They could also use a token to download the contents of their bag onto their personal desktop computer.

Working closely with our dev team throughout the process, I designed Android and iOS versions. The deep knowledge of Brella’s event SMEs helped us empathize with the attendee’s experience and informed our UI/UX decisions. Material Design guidelines inform the visual design.

UI/UX: "Everyone In" Event App


UI/UX: "Everyone In" Event App

Corporate event app, to help reduce the amount of printed materials at events. Doubles as an agenda with floor maps, and a digital event bag. Sch Rozwiń
