Designing Balance

Our project centers around the mission of empowering neurodiverse individuals through the transformative power of inclusive design. Through a meticulous process of targeted surveys, we have gathered invaluable insights from two distinct groups: neurodiverse individuals with bipolar condition and neurotypical individuals who have personal connections with someone who is neurodiverse and has bipolar. These surveys have shed light on a significant issue consistently highlighted by respondents: the communication challenges that often arise between individuals.

In direct response to this, we have crafted an activity book tailored for adults, with a specific focus on enhancing intercommunication within romantic relationships. By actively addressing the prevailing stigmas surrounding neurodiversity and drawing upon the dataset generated by our surveys and interviews, our project aims to empower neurodiverse individuals by providing them with an inclusive and accessible resource. This carefully designed activity book seeks to foster mutual understanding and facilitate effective communication between partners, thereby cultivating an environment where all individuals, irrespective of their neurodiverse or neurotypical conditions, can flourish and thrive in their relationships.
Point of View Statement
Individuals who are neurodiverse, such as those with bipolar, need a way to improve interpersonal communication with their neurotypical friends, family, and romantic partners because effective communication is essential for building and maintaining healthy relationships. ​
Individuals with neurodiversity symptoms often face challenges in expressing their emotions, needs, and experiences, which can lead to misunderstandings and strained relationships.

- Mood tracker
- Conversation Starter Cards
- Origami Collaboration
- Emotion Activity
- Baggage Activity
- Affirmation Cards
- Coloring in Activity
Origami Activity; Emotion Activity:
Throughout the project, we actively sought input from individuals with bipolar 
conditions and their partners to better understand their specific needs and challenges 
in interpersonal communication. This invaluable feedback guided the development of 
our solution, ensuring it effectively addresses their unique circumstances. We prioritized inclusivity by carefully selecting language and terminology related to neurodiversity and constantly refining it with input from experts and those with lived experiences. Striking the right balance between simplicity and depth, we created accessible strategies and activities that offer meaningful insights and personal growth opportunities, allowing users to engage with the material in a way that best suits their preferences and needs.
Our practical and user-friendly book is designed with convenience in mind, featuring tear-out pages for easy disposal. Its compact size of 210 by 230cm ensures portability, allowing users to carry it wherever they go.

Starting with a visually appealing cover, our book sets an inviting tone, piquing curiosity about its contents. The front-page acts as a clear guide, ensuring users understand how 
to engage with the exercises effectively. Key features include mood trackers for self-reflection and personal growth, conversation starter cards for thought-provoking discussions and deeper connections, and an exciting origami activity that fosters 
creativity and teamwork. The emotions activity focuses on understanding various emotions, promoting emotional intelligence within relationships.

To support emotional well-being, our tear-out exercise provides a tangible means to 
let go of negativity. Additionally, affirmation cards offer moments of positive self-talk and relaxation, boosting confidence and well-being. The book concludes with a dual coloring section at the back, encouraging collaborative creation and relaxation. Overall, our activity book empowers neurodiverse individuals and enhances intercommunication in romantic relationships. Its inclusive design and engaging features foster understanding, connection, and personal growth.
In the event of an extension of the project. We would have liked to print out the entirety of the book and gain more insight through various user testing. The endeavors to create the second and third editions of an intercommunication activity book centered around nurturing friendships and strengthening familial bonds would have been pursued. The last objective is to publish the book in multiple South African languages, including Afrikaans and Xhosa, to ensure that it resonates with diverse audiences, providing a comfortable and relatable reading experience for readers.
Designing Balance