The Sourdough Framework
by The Bread Code

An ode to sourdough, a visual masterpiece and an invaluable resource for anyone wishing to learn and perfect the art of sourdough bread baking.

The Sourdough Framework, written by YouTube influencer and computer scientist Hendrik aka "The Bread Code", explains in detail and scientifically based the use of sourdough and the art of baking sourdough bread. A book not only for bread lovers and hobby bakers, but for anyone interested in the interface between science and culinary creativity.

The Sourdough Framework is the result of a great and friendly collaboration between the author Hendrik and the creative agency NPIRE. The design of the book combines the design language of computer science and food in a modern, humorous aesthetic, full of graphs, tables and flowcharts, complemented with Bready and Doughy, the likeable bread and dough characters. 

This extraordinary project was made possible by the community, brought to life on the crowdfunding platform and was fully funded after just one day. The Sourdough Framework has been recognized by Kickstarter with the "Projects we Love" badge for outstanding creative projects. This award not only recognizes the extraordinary creativity of the book, but also the enthusiasm and support of the Kickstarter community.

The Sourdough Framework

The Sourdough Framework

