Pepper North Artisan Foods was established in 2013 by a dynamic husband and wife team. Ana and Drew Stevens walk the walk when it comes to making delicious hot sauces with Ontario grown hot peppers.

Before they approached me they were already in stores across Canada and into the US, but their original aesthetic was more geared towards a “hot sauce fanatic” persona. Now that they had more mainstream appeal, they needed their brand to reflect this shift and to resonate better with families and foodies.

We took the best parts of their existing brand and brought them into new branding and labels. We then carried over the aesthetic into their e-commerce website. This design system is highly scalable and can easily accommodate future products.

RESULTS: In 2023, the new look got them in the door of two retailers who they had been pursuing for several years.
Hot Sauce Rebrand


Hot Sauce Rebrand
