Appetite - Molecular Gastronomy
A digital publication was made for a magazine called Appetite. The theme chosen for the magazine to work on is Molecular Gastronomy, which also means food science. Molecular Gastronomy blends the physics and chemistry to transform the tastes and texture of food, and make it look extraordinary. 
Chapter 1 - Living Food
Chapter 2 - Caviar at home
Chapter 3 - The Fat Duck 
Video of how the digital publication works
Viewers are given an option to view either on a horizontal or vertical layout.
Cover image shows a video of how a molecular gastronomy plate of dish is presented. 
Users are able to select the difficulty levels for the recipes.
360 degree turn to show the food.
Tap the food and change the different ingredients according to your preferences.
Slide the background to look at the surrounding of the restaurant.
Users can drag down the tea coin to see how the dish is being prepared.
All images / videos / music were either self generated or sourced.
Molecular Gastronomy


Molecular Gastronomy

Fictional project done for a magazine called Appetite.
