A few photographs of animals living in a zoo.
  My teenagers asked if we could visit the local zoo. I was surprised, it seems to me that most of the people who visit the zoo have young children. But I was on a weeks vacation and it sounded like quality time with my kids. Besides, I figured it was an opportunity to photograph a subject I'm not familiar with.  We drew a few looks from the other patrons, you see my wife and children had their cameras as well, as we photographed nearly every possible animal we could.
  When I was home and editing our hundreds of images, I started to notice certain traits with the animals.  Now I'm not part of any animal rights group, but It did seem as though most of the animals were sad. I'm glad for the opportunity to be able to see the many species, some within arms reach, but I do have a feeling of sadness when viewing a lot of the images.


A personal thought and photos about a recent zoo visit.
