“Through Nothing”

I While studying at the university, I wandered freely in the empty classrooms of the university for hours, So I became interested in windows that were like many other objects.
During these wanderings, I noticed that in the university, the windows become more blind or change in a way that cannot be seen through them, in other words, they find the wall. The walls that break down the outside world to create a world over which we can have more control. Photography of luminous walls seemed fascinating to me, I sought to find what is hidden and invisible behind this luminous world.
The window, which is essentially a means of transmitting light and air as well as seeing, has now become a device that can not have its true use. Seeing through it is no longer the main issue, but has made not seeing an excuse to manifest itself and force us not to see.
"As if it is, everything in the world is not "Think that there is nothing in the world."

* This project includes several subcategories.
Through Nothing

Through Nothing


Creative Fields