Rina Duran's profile


Digital Illustration | 2021

I'm guilty of procrastination. I know you too. Usually, I play some games either on my phone or on my computer. Sometimes, I also found myself scrolling on my social media. Looking at some memes and funny stuff. 

There's nothing wrong with taking a short break. It'll make you stay sane. But always, set your mind on the goal to finish the work on your hand. 

Anyway, this is my first time drawing in perspective. I always hate drawing backgrounds, especially outdoor. So I challenged myself to do what I hate. I end up enjoying this. The more I understand how perspective works and how objects would look from different angles, the more I got interested on it. 

The apps I usually use are Pain Tool Sai ver2 and Adobe Photoshop 2021. I also use Wacom Intuos to draw them. 
I use 3 point perspective for this.



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