BC.AD0 by Juzelle du Plessis (2016)

Juzelle du Plessis (2016)

Ado's journey of helping drug addicts began in 1985 when he started working with them on the streets of Pretoria. His vision to help people suffering from substance abuse soon spread throughout Southern Africa, reaching people of all ages, nations, creeds, and colours. Having been set free from his own drug addiction, Ado wanted to share the good news of the power of God with others and believed it could break the chains of addiction that held many in bondage. His unwavering dedication and commitment to his mission serve as a testament to the power of faith and the human spirit.
BC.AD0 by Juzelle du Plessis (2016)

BC.AD0 by Juzelle du Plessis (2016)
