Profil użytkownika „Benni Newman”

Miscellaneous work 3/22 - 6/23

1 - 2. Poster designs.*
2 - 3. Personal logo designs.*
4. Merch design for a local elementary school, Logo concept for a game I'm working on
5. Alphabet design concept, Poster thumbnails*
6 - 7. Merch line logo designs.*
8. Metal logo concept.*
8 - 9. Poster designs.*
9 - 14. Miscellaneous character concept work.
   9. Personified AI character.
   10. Halloween costume ideas based on "seven deadly sins" themes.
   11. Characters designed inspired by ArtFight's yearly theme. 
   12 - 13. Inside-Out type characters for myself.
   13 - 14. These are the same page but roll with it. Minecraft inspired character designs, based on some common player "skins" designs.
15. Table art design (lot to explain, just roll with it) and trifold board layout sketch.
16. Tarot-themed character art.
17. Tarot-themed character design, somewhat set in the Touhou Project universe. 
18. Armor design for a friend. Dark with gold accents, and a slight construction worker theme.
19. Demon character designs.
20. Logo art and mascot designs for a fictional cafe truck, Mochaccino.*
*Denoting concept sketches done for design-related classwork.
Miscellaneous work 3/22 - 6/23

Miscellaneous work 3/22 - 6/23

A lot of my rough design concepting over the past year. Almost exclusively original work. Art and design for me is messy and I think it's cool to Rozwiń
