In this captivating CGI project, a quaint and charming small house of Vigor (milk brand), Portugal, comes to life. The meticulously crafted computer-generated imagery showcases the exquisite details of the house, from its rustic stone walls to its inviting wooden door and window frames. Created by the advertising agency McCann Portugal and crafted by the Studio Nuts team, these images and animations welcome you to the new Vigor website.
Agency: McCann Portugal
Client: Vigor Milk

Digital Director: Levi Olivares
Art Director: Luís Catarino
Account Director: Inês França

Creative Director: Tico Moraes
Art Director: Arthur Porto
Project Director: Janaína Villas-Bôas
Project Manager: Gabi Lima
Account: Vanessa Nunes
3D Artist: Tiago Piloto, Adam Pierre, Kim Mendonça
Animation: João Figueira, Maurício Mazza
Look Dev: Thiago Piloto, Kim Mendonça, Adam Pierre, Rodrigo Felix
Creative Retoucher: Thiago Storino
Vigor Milk

Vigor Milk
