This is an ad campaign for the Jane Goodall Institute that I created as a student. The goal is to show the horrors of wildlife trafficking and the horrible conditions these magnificent animals endure. Although laws have been enacted to protect wildlife, poachers continue committing horrific acts, using wildlife illegally for food, fortune, medicine, and as exotic pets. 

My solution was to expose how they smuggle animals in torturous ways. My initial designs had a white background, but when I made the Photoshop versions, I changed the backgrounds to a dark color to emphasize the atrocities of wildlife trafficking. Turtles are wrapped in tape so they can't move while tightly crowded in boxes. Birds are mercilessly shoved into plastic bottles with the bottoms cut open. The Jane Goodall Institute persevere in their efforts to save the wildlife from illegal poaching.
Jane Goodall ad campaign projects
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Jane Goodall ad campaign projects

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