Perfil de Emily Godwin

Navana Coffee Table Book

I collaborated with Navana Property Group, a prestigious luxury property and asset management company, to create an exquisite book design. Our goal was to craft a stunning coffee table book that showcased one of their latest developments and exemplified their exceptional services.

A coffee table book designed for The Navana Property Group perfectly encapsulates their desire for a high-end finish and tone that reflects their exceptional level of service and attention to detail. This book serves as a showcase for a property that is new to their portfolio, and it exudes the same luxurious essence as the property itself.

Upon opening the book, one is greeted with an abundance of space and rich visual content. Each page is meticulously designed to highlight the property's key features, architectural details, and interior design elements. The layout strikes a harmonious balance between spaciousness and visual impact, allowing the stunning imagery to take center stage.

The color scheme of the book plays a significant role in creating the desired ambiance. Earthy muted tones dominate the pages, evoking a sense of tranquility and timelessness. Subtle shades of beige, taupe, and warm greys blend seamlessly, creating a soothing backdrop for the captivating visuals. These colors not only enhance the overall aesthetic but also establish a connection with the natural environment surrounding the property.

The book's overall layout and design elements are complemented by the use of premium paper stock and exquisite printing techniques. The quality of the materials further accentuates the luxurious experience of flipping through the pages, immersing oneself in the property's allure.

Navana Coffee Table Book

Navana Coffee Table Book



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