Study Space

Motivation and procrastination issues are effecting many young adults, especially university students. The mind is drawn to distraction and in today’s fast-paced work-focused world, it is easy to get the impression of external factors taking over the control over one’s work schedule. The presence of technology has grown significantly in the academic environment. That does not mean all technologies are distracting and do not contribute to the quality of studying, but certain technologies, such as phones, seem to have a negative effect on studying. This results in a lack of motivation to learn or perform additional work, which only creates a negative loop, giving young people the impression of being ‘out of control’. This results in procrastination, as they try to resist the fast pace by ‘doing anything but work’. 

Various motivational apps, designs and study timers exist, but the vast majority seem to only act as a reinforcer of the external motivational factors. This, naturally, does not work well long term. For these reasons, being university students ourselves, we decided to help our colleagues (our user group) in creating a motivation-based Study Space. Which helps invoke inner curiosity, turning studying into a truly personal, curiosity-fueled, and greatly rewarding experience.
Project 1

Project 1
