Profilo di YinXin He

ARTHOUSE ALL YEAR ROUND! - An illustrated calendar

A calendar for 2024 filled with illustrations inspired by arthouse films and some clues to identify them
I've been working on this project for a few months. Initially I made some fan-arts of the movies I love as a way to practice and to find my own style in character illustration. At the same time I had a literature illustration project which requires a lot of thinking and interpreting before I can get to the illustration process, so this small side project was a pleasure to get busy with before I have an idea for my book project. And it turns out to be my first crowd-funding project. 

It is a calendar with 13 illustrations of 13 arthouse/experimental films. Some of them are iconic, some are lesser known due to marketing or they are by film makers from countries with smaller film industry. All of these films have marked their place in my visual creative life. Half of these films requires deep analysis into different fields like psychology or history. 
Is there anything special about this calendar?  I've decided to follow the traits of arthouse films, which means the direct answers to the identity of these films are not visible in the calendar. Instead, the viewers will find some clues beneath the illustrations. With those clues they can trace down what these films are. The clues vary from director's name, the awards the film has won to a short summary of the plot. In other words, this is a treasure-hunting calendar. 

A while ago, I found this beautiful comment by Tia about "The Tin Drum" by Günter Grass, which I think would be a perfect description for arthouse movies: 
"Oftentimes the beauty is buried in dirt and hard-earned, and doesn't even look like anything lovely at all once you get to it. But you hold it in your hands and it will move you. And if you're lucky, it will change you." ( 

All the illustrated are painted on paper using acrylic paint and are retouched with Photoshop. 
My project can be found on Kickstarter and Indiegogo
Any support by backing or sharing the project is highly appreciated! 

ARTHOUSE ALL YEAR ROUND! - An illustrated calendar


ARTHOUSE ALL YEAR ROUND! - An illustrated calendar
