Judit Layana Ilundains profil

Westminster City Council ASC

Field research for Adult Social Care team
Affinity map from the data gathered doing ethnographic research  
Project Background
Tigerspike were asked by Westminster City Council, one of London's boroughs,  to perform primary research to help build a business case for the future use of mobile technology in Adult Social Care.

Project objectives
Adult Social Care (ASC) teams face a variety of challenges in the workplace: lack of connectivity with in-house systems, difficult and varied work contexts, large amounts of paperwork and inappropriate, or outdated, tools.

WCC was investigating the possibility of using mobile technology to improve the working lives of its ASC teams.

What I did
To achieve this, we undertook in-depth contextual inquiry, shadowing different ASC team members while they visit clients and perform their daily tasks, as well as interviewing other team members to gain real insights.
This information has enabled us to build up a detailed picture of the day-to-day reality of life as an ASC team member and to suggest mobile working solutions that are linked directly to real user needs.

Tigerspike team
Judit Layana (UX Researcher), Richard Fort (Project Manager) and Cameron Franks (Commercial Director)

Westminster City Council ASC


Westminster City Council ASC

Westminster City Council -Adult Services: Ethnographic Research


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