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微粒超市 microplastic Supermarket|海報設計|2021 reddot

The invisible plastic waste disposal is more than the waste disposal that we can see in our daily lives. We all know that plastic waste cannot be catabolism  by the earth. When it is hit by waves and sunlight, it breaks down into particles 5mm or less in diameter and flows into the ocean to feed marine life. And Humans eats whole crustacean seafood, the plastic particles finally return to our bodies. 
The project’s concept is"what they eat, what we eat."
It used white granular shape to sculpture the fresh seafood. It highlighting the real ingredients hidden in the delicious seafood - [microplastic] .Furthermore, the reason why the overall picture approaches full white is to emphasize the sense that plastic particles are easily ignored.In the background, plastic bags and boxes represent the endless vicious cycle of overuse of plastic packaging.The $88 on the price tag symbolize two infinite symbols , which also means that the earth is trying to catabolism plastic particles, an endless vicious cycle.
Through reflection, we hope that people will realize the dangers of plastic waste, and it will return to ourselves eventually.

Through this project, we hope that people will see bright red labels at first ,which symbolize freshness. and then noticed the seafood and microplastic.

"Just like when we are buying seafood , we only focus on storage life and how to cook it. We didn’t focus on the environment of marine life is pollution or not.



微粒超市 microplastic Supermarket|海報設計|2021 reddot


微粒超市 microplastic Supermarket|海報設計|2021 reddot
