Silkworms & Cigarettes by Kyla Janse van Vuuren

Silkworms & Cigarettes
Kyla Janse van Vuuren (2020)
The subject of this book is a family friend named Chris who is currently incarcerated for fraudulent crimes. The narrator is his daughter referred to as Emily (an alias). The title, Silkworms & cigarettes, is symbolic of where he started and where he is now. When Chris was a little boy, he ‘wheeled and dealed’ with silkworms to make money and from there on he became an extremely wealthy businessman. Now, in prison, he wheels and deals with cigarettes, like when he was a little boy.
Silkworms & Cigarettes by Kyla Janse van Vuuren

Silkworms & Cigarettes by Kyla Janse van Vuuren
