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Automotive Retouching_Composite KV_Retouching Steps

Automotive Retouching_Composite KV_Retouching Steps Explained

Hello everyone, in our previous discussion, we talked about the general direction of retouching. This time, let's dive into the specific operations and talk about how to retouch a composite KV image.

1、Analyze the layout 
Every composite image has a layout, and the layout for this image is shown in the diagram. With the overall concept in mind, there are many tasks to be done in retouching. Let's go through them one by one.

2、Create a composite based on the layout and manage the layers 
Based on the layout and material analysis (car, background architecture, distant scenery), divide the image into three main layers. The layer order should be car on top, architecture in the middle, and distant scenery at the bottom. This layer separation facilitates overall modifications and aligns with the logical placement of objects in the scene. It's important to ensure that the horizon line of the distant scenery matches that of the car and architecture. Refer to the diagram for reference.

3、Create accurate paths for the car and background 
This step is relatively easy. Outline the paths for each different material and important structure of the car and background. This step requires practice and experience.

4、Clean up dirt and imperfections 
Remove the clouds and fog in the distant sky, and clean up the ground and ceilings of the architecture in the mid-ground. Fix any minor flaws on the car's glass, wheels, and piano finish. This step is technically not difficult but requires practice. The main tools used are cloning stamp, healing brush, and brush. Refer to the diagram for reference.

5、Adjust lighting and colors
 Lighting and colors go hand in hand as they influence each other. Adjusting the lighting can sometimes affect the colors. This step is relatively challenging but also the most important one, as it can make a significant difference in the work of a retoucher.

5.1Pay attention to the spatial depth of the foreground, mid-ground, and background. Create spatial depth through contrasting colors, contrasting lighting, and overlapping elements in the composition.

5.2Create a unified atmosphere for the foreground, mid-ground, and background in terms of lighting and colors. This can be achieved through contrasting colors and detailed lighting rendering.

5.3Pay attention to the meticulous rendering of the car itself, which is complex and requires extensive practice. The car should also blend seamlessly with the environment. The final result is shown in the diagram.

6、Final check and overall tonal adjustment Finally, add glows to the car's body, tail lights, and unify the overall color tone to complete the retouching process. The final result is shown in the diagram.
In summary, these are all the steps involved in retouching a composite KV image. I sincerely hope to establish a friendly environment for communication, learn together, and make progress together. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment. Thank you.
Final Result
Detail 1
Detail 2
Analyze the layout
Create a composite based on the layout and manage the layers
Clean up dirt and imperfections
Adjust lighting and colors
Final check and overall tonal adjustment
You can see more retouching ideas about this image through this video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SbGwcWlo4Y&t=297s.We also showcase our work on Instagram. Feel free to leave comments. Thank you.
Automotive Retouching_Composite KV_Retouching Steps


Automotive Retouching_Composite KV_Retouching Steps
