Perfil de Corban Buxton

INDN252 Project Three Corban Buxton

INDN252 Project Three 
Corban Buxton
Introducing the OCTOGYN 8. This device is an underwater breathing apparatus that grants the user the ability to breathe underwater without the use of a traditional scuba tank that uses a mouth piece. The OCTOGYN 8 uses the oxygen in the water and filters it through the backpack. It filters this water out and transfers it the the tentacles which wrap around the users back and body. Along these tentacles are suction cups that not only stick onto the body but also transfers the filtered oxygen directly into the bloodstream. This allows the user to get the necessary oxygen into their bloodstream and lungs without the use of a traditional mouthpiece.
A few renders to show great detail in the digital stage.
A few photographs to show how the prints turned out in the physical stage
INDN252 Project Three Corban Buxton

INDN252 Project Three Corban Buxton
