Профиль Darja Dell

The life of a product. Playbook by mobile.de

The task was to illustrate the Product Life Development Cycle in a memorable and enjoyable way for a playbook produced by mobile.de. In visualizations from past years with similar content little to no mobile associations where used. This time it should be a hollistic experience for the reader and thus a gladly used tool for the employees to likely implement the presented methods into their daily work routine for efficiency and smooth processes. Therefore I created little humorous and obscure images around the world of automobile that make it fun follow along.
The PDLC contains of six steps. Usually these steps are visualized through basic but easy to understand icons such as magnifying glass, street sign etc. As the usage of this type of icons is a common practise, it seemed logic to maintain these cognitive tools. I decided to use this world of coprorate icons but build little visual stories around them using the general world of automobile. I created illustrations with a meaning perspective and purposeful usage of the main CI color orange in order to draw the focus on the specific icon which connects the PDLC in each possible iteration throughout the playbook.
The life of a product. Playbook by mobile.de

The life of a product. Playbook by mobile.de



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