Profil von Gyöngyi Balogh (Jean)

Poster Design for "Carnavalul Animalelor"

      The following images are part of an extremely exciting project that I've been asked to work on, and it made me feel very honored to take part of it. As exciting as it sounds, it's the first time I create a poster (design showcased to the public of the city I live in) for someone from my hometown. So it's a huge pleasure.
      The concept was to create a poster for the event "Carnavalul Animalelor" (Carnival of Animals - by Camille Saint-Säens), by illustrating various animal characters playing instruments. The purpose of this was to suggest in a playful way what the program of the event contains and also considering that it was organized for children, it had to be suitable for the case (it had to be cheerful and youthful/juvenile).
      The organizer of this amazing event is Scoala de Muzica Logos (Logos Music School) and invites all the children from Oradea (Romania) to take part of this lovely celebration of children's day.
      As always it all started by creating sketches on paper, which I scanned and turned into an illustration using Adobe Illustrator. I also used Adobe Photoshop for final touches by working on adjustments and by improving the colors of the illustration.
A B O U T  T H E  S C H O O L (in romanian):

      Scopul acestei şcoli este de a iniţia elevi începători în domeniul muzical, de a-i pregăti pe cei aflaţi la un nivel muzical intermediar sau avansat pentru a servi cu predilecţie bisericilor evanghelice de care aceştia aparţin. De asemenea caută să susţină absolvenţii care doresc să urmeze o carieră în domeniul muzical.
Având principii creştine şi fiind orientaţi către educaţie individuală şi excelenţă muzicală, Asociaţia Şcoala de Muzică “Logos” formează şi echipează elevi la diverse niveluri, pentru a utiliza educaţia muzicală şi competenţele lor atât prin manifestări muzicale individuale, cât şi în ansambluri, având ca rezultat îmbunătăţirea standardului muzical în biserici, comunităţi şi şcoli.  
S K E T C H E S :
F I N A L  D E S I G N :
M E M B E R S  O F  T H E  O R C H E S T R A (and the acting hedgehog) :
P R I N T :
For mugs, cards, bags, i-pod cases ... etc. with my illustrations, please visit my shop.

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Poster Design for "Carnavalul Animalelor"

Poster Design for "Carnavalul Animalelor"

Poster Design for event organized by Şcoala de Muzică Logos celebrating children's day (national holiday).
