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How to Change a Shower Head

How to Change a Shower Head

Are you tired of your old shower head and looking to upgrade it to a more efficient and refreshing one? Changing a shower head is a simple and cost-effective way to enhance your showering experience. You don't need to be a professional Handyman in OKC to accomplish this task.

Tools and Materials You'll Need

Before we dive into the process, gather the following tools and materials:
·         Adjustable wrench
·         New shower head
·         Pipe tape (Teflon tape)
·         Soft cloth or towel

1: Prepare the Shower Area

Start by turning off the water supply to the shower. Locate the shut-off valve, usually found near the shower or in the basement. Turn it clockwise to shut off the water flow. This will prevent any water from leaking while you change the shower head.

2: Remove the Old Shower Head

Take your adjustable wrench and grip the base of the old shower head. Turn it counterclockwise to loosen it. Once loose, you can remove it by twisting it off with your hand. Be careful not to damage the shower arm, which is the pipe that connects the shower head to the wall.

3: Clean the Shower Arm

Inspect the shower arm for any debris or old pipe tape. Use a soft cloth or towel to wipe it clean. Ensure that the threads on the shower arm are clear and ready for the new shower head installation.

4: Apply Pipe Tape

Take the pipe tape (Teflon tape) and wrap it clockwise around the threads of the shower arm. This will create a tight seal and prevent any water leakage from the connection. Wrap the tape around the threads two to three times for an effective seal

5: Install the New Shower Head

Take your new shower head and screw it onto the shower arm. Turn it clockwise to tighten it securely. Use the adjustable wrench to give it a final twist, ensuring a snug fit. Be careful not to over tighten, as it may cause damage to the shower head or shower arm.

6: Test for Leaks

Once the new shower head is installed, turn on the water supply and check for any leaks. If you notice any leaks around the connection, tighten it slightly with the wrench until the leak stops. Remember not to overtighten, as it may cause damage.


Changing a shower head is a simple DIY task that can significantly improve your showering experience. By following the step-by-step guide provided, you can easily replace your old shower head with a new and refreshing one. Remember the following key takeaways:

1.     Gather the necessary tools and materials before starting the process.
2.     Turn off the water supply to the shower before removing the old shower head.
3.     Clean the shower arm and apply pipe tape to create a tight seal.
4.     Install the new shower head securely but avoid over tightening.
5.     Test for leaks and make any necessary adjustments to ensure a proper connection.

Now that you have the knowledge and confidence to change a shower head, go ahead and transform your shower into a rejuvenating oasis!
Changing a shower head is a simple and rewarding DIY project that can enhance your daily shower experience. Follow these key takeaways to ensure a successful shower head replacement:

1.     Prepare the shower area by turning off the water supply.

2.     Remove the old shower head using an adjustable wrench.

3.     Clean the shower arm and ensure it is free from debris.

4.     Apply pipe tape (Teflon tape) to the threads of the shower arm for a tight seal.

5.     Install the new shower head by screwing it onto the shower arm and
 tightening securely.

6.     Test for leaks and make any necessary adjustments to prevent water leakage.

By following these steps, you can easily change a Handyman okc and enjoy a refreshing shower in no time.
How to Change a Shower Head

How to Change a Shower Head


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