Perfil de Pranav Joshi

Upwards: Sample Portfolio Management App Dashboard

UX Design for Dashboard


Research type: Primary 
Method: Structured interview

Interview questions:
- For how long have you been investing
- What are your Primary investment goals
- What would you say is your risk appetite
- How often do you check up on your investments
- Do you research before you make investment decisions? If yes, where and how do you get your research data from?
- Do you maintain an updated investment portfolio? If yes, which platform do you currently use to - track your investment portfolio?
- Which platform do you use for your investing?
- What are some problems you are facing with your current portfolio tracking platform of choice?
- What are some suggestions you would give to this platform?
- How dependent are you on the income from your investments
- How much do you invest on a monthly basis


Based on the answers to these questions, I found out primary 3 types of users which I have tried to show with the help of the following 3 personas:

Aditya Gupta (20, Male)

Aditya is a student, B.Tech. 3rd year. His day is not very busy, just some college classes and assignments. The rest of the time is spent with friends and at the gym.

Aditya is new to trading and investing. He is learning about the subject online and from his peers. He started putting aside his internship savings and surplus pocket money into some equity shares. He is planning to start a small SIP soon.

- The investment management platforms seem daunting and complex to Aditya. He feels that they are filled with tons of Jargon and he needs to learn more, maybe even join classes for the same
- He wishes that the platform he uses could help him learn about investing and trading methods and tricks, keep him updated about market conditions, and recommend where to allocate his precious savings.

Mohini Sharma (27, Female)

Mohini is a working professional, 5 years into consulting in the big 4. Her day is quite busy as her job is hectic and demanding. She has surplus money as her job pays well. She has a fair understanding of the investment avenues, how they work, and what to expect, but no significant time to research and track her investments actively. 

- She feels that the platforms that she uses to manage her portfolio are not entirely transparent and the recommendations are biased
- She wants recommendations that are tailored to her investment goals and take into consideration her risk appetite as well.

Ronit Ghungruwala (40, Male)

Ronit is a seasoned investor. He worked in the field of finance for 15+ years, has taken early retirement, and is now working as a full-time investor and trader.

Ronit monitors the market very actively. He is a thorough researcher of market movements and the global macroeconomic scenario. He has a big portfolio and is dependent on the returns he makes from the trades for his monthly cashflows. 

- Feels that it is a challenge tracking multiple investments and portfolio performance
- Not having enough liquid funds for emergencies and/or investment opportunities. Wishes for more margins from the broking platform.

Information Architecture

I have gone with a mobile-first approach here. The following are 3 ways in which I visualised the Dashboard screen for Upwards.
From the above 3, I went ahead with the third one because of the following reasons :

- Based on a secondary research, in a usability research, the users preferred to have a sneak peek of each security type before having to dive into the details of the funds that comprise them.
- In the first wireframe, it was difficult to understand the horizontally scrolling sub-navigation of the dashboard section intuitively.
- The second wireframe is simple, with collapsable sections, but it makes the page scroll too long, and it also does not provide a sneak peek into the security type without actually diving into the details of the funds that compromise them.

Visual Design - Text Styles
Visual Design - Mockups
Upwards: Sample Portfolio Management App Dashboard


Upwards: Sample Portfolio Management App Dashboard
