Profilo di khushi Jain

An e-pub on Cipe Pineles

An e-publication on Cipe Pineles
CIPE PINELES: A Pioneer in Graphic Design

This publication is a tribute to Cipe Pineles, a trailblazing graphic designer who broke barriers and paved the way for women in the industry. Pineles was the first female art director at Condé Nast and the first woman inducted into the Art Directors Club Hall of Fame.

Through a collection of her most iconic works, this publication showcases Pineles' unique style and innovative approach to design. Her use of bold colors, playful typography, and whimsical illustrations set her apart from her contemporaries and continue to inspire designers today.

In addition to her groundbreaking work in the publishing industry, Pineles also designed for advertising campaigns, packaging, and even children's books. 

In this e-pub I have chosen to use wintage era style i.e., muted color scheme inspired by her works of vogue cover and other work.

Reflective Analysis

Through this project I learnt various tools about adobe InDesign, and this was a fun process getting to know more about Cipe Pineles was amazing which led me to see designs in a different way, work with a different mindset. Learning about Cipe and making an e-pub on her was just like an honor. Through this project I learnt to use the effective tools of InDesign and also design principles and layouts.

An e-pub on Cipe Pineles


An e-pub on Cipe Pineles
